Monday, August 30, 2010

Moving on

After recents events in my life, (well only one email exchange with someone from my past, not really an event) I've come to the realization that there are some people that will never forgive and forget.

After 10 years I was hoping that myself and a former friend would have been able to put the past behind and move on. I held no false hope that we would be able to renew our friendship again, but I had thought that we would be able to mutually agree to let the past remain in the past and move on. Maybe become casual Facebook friends that forwarded funny videos and made witty comments on each others pics. I had gotten over what had happened, why couldn't she?

It became quickly apparent after a few emails exchanged that she would not be forgiving or forgetting. She said straight out, I will never be able to forget what you did.

I admitted that I had played a big part in our falling out. I was no saint back then, but she didn't help matters either. I was hoping that she would be able to meet me halfway and move on. But I guess it wasn't meant to be.

Moral of the story, sometimes it's best just to let sleeping dogs lie

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